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Panta Rhei - 
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to the point!
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 let’s get
to it!
Don’t wait,
Let’s talk
about it!
The question 
is not if, 
but how!
try it out!
close attention
to detail!
Peter Fürst
Managing Partner five i’s innovation consulting gmbh, Consultant and Trainer
Peter is a practiced hand at devising tailored methodologies for idea generation. He is also expert at optimizing innovation systems with 20 years of high-level innovation consulting experience. Peter is a lecturer in innovation management at the University of Applied Sciences - Vorarlberg. Peter’s passion is nurturing good ideas and guiding them to their realization. As a thinker, he’s a bit of a maverick whose unique insights can lead to bold, effective solutions.
Mag. Heidi Fiala
Communication and Consulting at five i's innovation consulting gmbh
Heidi likes to get to the heart of things. She studied International Business Administration with a major innovation and technology management. Heidi has been working for over 15 years in the media and consulting business. She highly values and enforces the power derived from well-chosen words.
Roland Haas
Roland has been advising and inspiring companies and project teams on innovation for over 15 years. He lectures on innovation at the ETH-Zurich as well. A tenacious problem-solver, Roland is ready to tackle any issue that comes up in the innovation process. Educated as a mechanical engineer, he’s there when the discussion gets technical but his savvy insights add value from the initial phase of brainstorming and product definition, to development, implementation and marketing. His team-coaching and group-facilitation certifications only add to his strengths for any innovation project.
Mag. Martina Kastl
Office Managerin und Assistenz in der five i’s innovation consulting gmbh
looks after our customers and partners, organizes events, is the hub of our external and internal communication and ensures that everything works - from accounting to travel organization. Furthermore, Martina supports our trainers in the preparations for trainings, seminars and workshops.
Gerhild Winnig
Director five i’s innovation berlin, Consultant, Trainer
Creative ideas and solutions as well as helping organizations forge a strong culture of innovation all belong to Gerhild’s strengths. An experienced coach and moderator, Gerhild is the ideal partner to guide innovation and change management projects. Her motivational skills are renowned. She is particularly adept at guiding project teams along the path from idea to successful innovation, which she sometimes does with unconventional means. Did we say unconventional? Besides her solid background in classical consulting, Gerhild has recently added a certification in equine-assisted coaching to her repertoire!
Robert G. Cooper
Lecturer, Expert Consultant
Creator of Stage Gate®, the Idea-to-Launch product innovation process, Bob Cooper is an iconic figure in product innovation and one of the field’s most influential thought leaders. Often called in as an expert consultant by the senior management of well-known corporations, he also shares his extensive experience and game-changing insights in seminars and workshops for five is. Professor emeritus at McMaster University in Canada and Fellow a Penn State, Bob Cooper has earned his status as one of the few truly wise men of innovation management. Bob Cooper and five is have cooperated for years in an ongoing, intensive exchange of ideas on developing innovation management know-how.
Angelika Dreher
Managing Partner five i’s innovation consulting gmbh, Consultant and Trainer
Angelika focuses on the big picture—on cultivating and managing meaningful innovation, on fostering corporate cultures where innovative ideas can flourish. As a coach she leads highly focused brainstorming sessions. As a consultant she devises effective management structures for your innovation processes. Coming from the University of Innsbruck’s Institute of Marketing, Angelika has more than 15 years of experience in innovation and change management. She is a passionate communicator and an invigorating discussion partner.
Dr. Pia Gebhardt
Where people and innovation meet, that is where Pia's field of application is. She accompanies teams of innovators in the early innovation phase as consultant, trainer, facilitator and coach. With a scientific background, over ten years of experience in innovation and additional training in coaching, facilitation and group supervision, she combines analytical thinking with empathy and creative enthusiasm.
Markus Winnig
Marketing, five i’s innovation berlin
Markus is your contact for any questions about five i’s innovation in Berlin. Trained as an engineer, he plans and manages seminars, workshops and other events.
Helmut Haller
Partner five i’s innovation consulting gmbh,
Expert Consultant
Helmut exudes a deserved aura of executive authority, which is no surprise considering his many years at boardroom level, most recently at Schiesser AG. As an expert consultant for five is, he brings years of leadership experience in industry to questions of corporate and market strategy.