Rev up your innovation motor with five is, to keep on generating potent and successful new market successes.
The chassis
- Good wheels: process excellence, from idea generation to market success, for new products, technologies and business lines
- Robust framework: Innovation Portfolio Management and Controlling instruments
The motor
- Smart processes, guidelines, and organizational solutions for smooth-running projects
- Best-practice analytical tools for innovation check-ups, benchmarking, idea assessments, plus Stage Gate®, design thinking and agile project management
- Careful regard to the capabilities, needs and sensitivities of individual team members and the organization as a whole.
The experience on the road
- Improved performance: Inspired ideas, successful new products and new businesses to power up your company
- Enhanced reliability: Higher success rates, since flops are exposed early
- All systems go: Improved internal communications and teamwork
- Quicker starting times: Shorter development cycles
- Greater efficiency: More transparent and focused allocation of innovation resources
We kick-start
your innovation
your innovation